Tuesday, December 26, 2006


God is the light and truth. The devil is the deceiver. There is no such thing as magic as most people understand it. WE do not understand God. In fact we cannot understand God. It diminishes God if we try to explain any of his methods or reasons in terms we can understand. At best, at the point we are at now, we can glimpse the enormity, the wonder, and the vastness of Creation. With the tools we have now we can look, measure and strive to understand. When we look at the light from the farthest galaxies we can see, we are seeing light that left there 13 Billion years ago. Some say this is only an illusion. The devil is the spinner of illusions, not God. To say this is an illusion tries to imply that we understand something beyond what we can see with our own eyes and tools; something of God. Something of how he does things. It implies that God would do something in terms we can understand, that the Creation of the whole Universe is something we might understand. Similarly when some say that Creation occurred 6000 years ago they are trying to bend reality into a time frame of humans. Nothing else in the universe infers that anything in the Universe came into existence in the time frame of humans! You would have to ignore all the rest of Creation to believe that anything God does happens in terms we understand. It is obvious that Creationists are the spawn of the Devil. You only have to believe in God to believe that. Here is something profound to consider: God and science CANNOT disagree. The laws of physics ARE the laws of God. If God did things by magic why didn’t he just create man out of the supposed nothing he made all the rest of Creation out of. He created man from dust and breathed life into him. Careful research will tell you that God did not create everything out of nothing. He used a palette from which to draw his materials. Maybe he created all the materials too, but he DIDN”T create creation out of nothing. I can’t say if he was bound by the laws of physics or created the laws of physics, but the laws are there and God either created them and/or simply used them. If I decide to write a book about this I can go through Genesis paragraph by paragraph, but that is not necessary right now. Anyway, I think we ought to study physics (and Science et al.) in our pursuit of understanding. I think we are far enough along in our development as human beings to stop being in denial about the facts that are inconvenient to our beliefs. The pure beauty that science allows us to see and understand only serves to glorify Creation and display its elegance. Einstein wanted to “see the mind of God” in the mathematics. Maybe we’re not ready to understand at that level, but even a little glimpse is worth it. Faith and proof are not mutually exclusive. Right now we need both together. We don’t have the tools or the sophistication to have proof alone. We are too smart already to be satisfied with faith alone. Darn that apple.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Feigned Ignorance

Feigned ignorance is veiled denial. It is a primary tool of propagandists and deceivers. When we want to make a point and go out of our way to ignore the facts to win our argument, who do we think we’re fooling? Often, not the people we think we are. Usually we end up “fooling” the people who agree with us already. Unfortunately, they might not know the ignored facts and end up thinking the argument is reasonable. Suddenly the rest of us are burdened with an unknowingly ignorant population, who more often are as unreasonable as they are ignorant. When the facts are introduced they are predisposed not to believe them, because now they would have to throw out all they think they “know” to then accept they’re wrong. This is a very hard pill to swallow for most people. Denial is frequently the more comfortable choice. Those who would spin the truth are doing all of us a disservice. They polarize us and create divisiveness, frequently out of nothing.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Some Blues Harmonica

Here is a Blues Riff I did for my fraternity brothers and sisters.

(I know, it's short. I'll get some longer, original blues posted soon)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Turtle Takes a Trip

In the dark of the night the frog jumped across the pond from lily pad to lily pad. The moon was no where to be seen. Although the sky was clear, the moon was hiding to help conceal the plans that were afoot. Only starlight lit the way. Once the frog was in position, the turtle and the salamander made their move. There was no turning back now. In a move that took the salamander by surprise, the turtle dashed across the muddy bank of the pond and crawled into the boat. The salamander quickly gathered his wits and followed him swiftly. There would be no stopping them now. The frog croaked out the all clear and the turtle and the salamander cast-off the boat. With only the faint sound of water lapping at it's sides, the boat made it's way down the little stream that flowed out of the pond and off into the darkness.
This little bit of story came to me in a daydream. I really want to know where they were going and what seems to be so important. I can hear the crickets and the noises of the pond. I can smell the dark mist and feel its dampness. It sounds like it might be some sort of adventure. I hope I find out, some day, what happens. If I do, I'll pass it along.

Unfortunately this makes sense to me!

The speed is dependent on the size. If the integral determinant is unusually eccentric, then the result will be expressed in unreal numbers. Expressions of eccentricity will usually culminate in confusing arrays of unreal numbers. This necessitates the use of constant sizes; to insure the understandability of the number arrays when expressing the speed. Some sizes are standard and some are custom. The custom sizes tend to include more eccentric examples. Consequently, the custom sizes will generate data that has a prevalence of unreal numbers. While we may therefore want to avoid the use of custom sizes, we find that in actual practice we run into more custom than standard examples. Thus we find ourselves getting very unreal when dealing with reality and, thusly, being very confused. And they say size doesn’t matter!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Music is a key to the doorway into the kingdom of God. Our intelligence exists there, as a collection of energies, defining a whole, and operating in a way such that all parts have access to all other parts simultaneously. By resonating this defined area we can begin (but only begin) to perceive it, like a camouflaged animal being invisible in its environment until it moves. The thrill, the excitement of this perception is what we experience as the beauty of music; The joy of listening to the things that move us in such a way as to enable us to notice a realm, which we then feel, but cannot even start to understand. For now we are happy just to feel it. Someday we will demand to understand it.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Safe Passage

Here is the beginning of a story I'm writing

The men came through the front door without a sound. The only reason I knew that they were there was that I saw them through the doorway of the den. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known. I didn’t believe my eyes, as it was, due to the silence. Once they passed the doorway, and were out of sight, it was as if they had not existed.

I hesitated for a moment before getting up from the desk and going to the door to look down the hallway in the direction they had gone. I was not surprised that I saw no one. I wondered for a moment how many men I had seen go by. I settled for three. I turned around and went to the front door. It was locked. Either they were polite and had locked it behind themselves, or it had never been unlocked. At the time the only sound I had heard was the fan in my laptop. I looked at the screen and was surprised to see several lines of the letter ‘k’:

The cursor was blinking at the end. Had I fallen asleep for a moment or had I simply been distracted by them going by. I had the eerie feeling you get when the line between reality and non-reality gets blurred. Could I have transitioned from a dream to reality without noticing? Frankly, any of the possibilities were unsettling.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Just Why Are We Here, Anyway?

Why does God “allow” bad and disastrous things to happen to us poor defenseless girls and boys? After all, most of us lead lives that do not warrant that level of punishment! How can this good and benevolent God sit there and let these things come down upon us, causing lives to have pain and suffering and sadness and/or to “end prematurely”? The answer may lie in understanding what life is for and, indeed, understanding God. Oh, but wait, we can’t understand God. We don’t know what life, much less our own life, is for. My suggestion is that we must live to grow, learn, experience, and expand our consciousness. We must, as members of the human race, strive to raise Humanity up from the imperfect beings we are to attain a level as close to God as we can get, maybe even Godhood. It may have very little to do with each of us individually, but everything to do with all of us collectively. How long will this take? Well, how big is the Universe? How long is the rest of existence? We don’t even have the perspective to understand how long the Universe has been in existence and that is only 13.7 billion years or so. How can we hope to know how long it will take us to learn? Perhaps we should stop asking questions there are no answers to yet. Certainly we are not ready to understand the answers. If we lift ourselves up, the answers will come.

We don’t raise our children by coddling them their whole lives. (Well, we shouldn’t anyway) We don’t give them everything they ask for. We can’t protect them from everything. We give them tweaks and pokes and suggestions and hope they come out OK. We want them to be the best that they can be by letting them make correct decisions based on our suggestions and guidance. Ultimately it is the strength of their own character that makes them what they become. The human race is no different. We are only children. We are very young children.

The creation of the Universe is a gift to all who can appreciate it. It is an anvil upon which to beat us and a furnace to forge us into the best, most perfect beings we can strive to be and therefore become. If he wanted us to be perfect from the start, if he wanted the Universe to be a safe place, he would have created it that way. Or maybe that’s not even the point. We have no understanding of God. We think we know a few things from the bible, but we don’t know what he is or what he actually wants. Some would argue that we don’t even know if he exists, but whether he does or not, we are still here in the Universe wondering how to proceed. The purpose of any life form is to grow. We must strive to evolve and improve ourselves. We must go forth and multiply. In order to move out into the Universe, which I believe is supposed to be our destiny, we must attain the ability. We have to understand things about morality and science and existence that we don’t yet know. Some things we are in outright denial about. We are slowly getting there. We have only to overcome religion and politics and shortsightedness in order to increase our knowledge.

An artist can carve an image into stone. The artist can make it look almost alive. It can be created beautiful and perfect or perfectly ugly, but it will always be as it was carved. This is called Sculpture. In this case the medium is dead regardless of how alive it looks. When the profound dimension of life is added to the Artist’s medium, what has been created can evolve. It can start out ugly and become beautiful. It can be very unknowledgeable yet gain knowledge. Time is a direction life must expand into. We don’t have to know much about life in order to understand this. The Artist sets a few basic rules and then sets the creation off into the Universe. There may be some expectation, but other than the few rules, and a Universe of potential, it is up to the creation itself to become what it can become.

On TV I heard a sound bite from a girl. She said that at some point she had thought about “Trying every drug before killing herself”. “Try every drug before killing yourself”? That is looking inside and ignoring “the Outside”. The Universe is the Outside. It is very big and demands attention. Spirituality is a means not an end. The idea of taking every drug before killing one’s self is like getting hit in the face with one raindrop and, in ignorance, thinking that’s as good as it gets, when actually there is an entire ocean out there. Don’t settle for a mere raindrop. In the “Ocean” there is more than water. There are fish, whales, plankton and other life. There is sand, coral, plateaus, mountains, valleys and things we cannot even imagine. Expand, in your mind, the meaning of this metaphor of the Universe. Let the AWE fill you and wash over you. See? You didn’t even need any drugs to get the rush! Some drugs may help expand your perspective and might open your mind. Use that as a tool, not as the whole experience. Drugs can also dull you and steal your ability and desire to perceive. Trying to dull the pain by drink or drugs is a symptom of a lack of a greater perspective. If you wallow in your miserable life you’re not looking at what the possibilities really are. What a crime against you, and the Universe, that is! You don’t have to even believe in God to have awareness of the wonder of the Universe. Don’t narrow your focus too much. By all means scrutinize, but then back off again and try to put it into perspective.

And by the way….
If we live by the rule that “if you kill one of mine I’m going to kill one of yours”, all that we are going to get is a lot of killing. It could go on forever. It doesn’t take much of a step back to get the perspective that a different solution is demanded. Whatever the justification we use, there really is no justification for that course. There is a difference between “justice”, “punishment”, and “forgiveness”. They are very closely related to each other but, they are mutually exclusive and should exist completely separate from each other. They should, however, all exist at the same time! Remember that personal retribution is not the same as social justice. Punishment should not be a criminal act. Forgiveness helps end the cycle. Understanding is the only real solution. Communication is the only way to reach understanding. All that’s left to get is willingness. I wonder how we are going to get that. Oh, I guess we’ll have to grow.