Tuesday, December 26, 2006


God is the light and truth. The devil is the deceiver. There is no such thing as magic as most people understand it. WE do not understand God. In fact we cannot understand God. It diminishes God if we try to explain any of his methods or reasons in terms we can understand. At best, at the point we are at now, we can glimpse the enormity, the wonder, and the vastness of Creation. With the tools we have now we can look, measure and strive to understand. When we look at the light from the farthest galaxies we can see, we are seeing light that left there 13 Billion years ago. Some say this is only an illusion. The devil is the spinner of illusions, not God. To say this is an illusion tries to imply that we understand something beyond what we can see with our own eyes and tools; something of God. Something of how he does things. It implies that God would do something in terms we can understand, that the Creation of the whole Universe is something we might understand. Similarly when some say that Creation occurred 6000 years ago they are trying to bend reality into a time frame of humans. Nothing else in the universe infers that anything in the Universe came into existence in the time frame of humans! You would have to ignore all the rest of Creation to believe that anything God does happens in terms we understand. It is obvious that Creationists are the spawn of the Devil. You only have to believe in God to believe that. Here is something profound to consider: God and science CANNOT disagree. The laws of physics ARE the laws of God. If God did things by magic why didn’t he just create man out of the supposed nothing he made all the rest of Creation out of. He created man from dust and breathed life into him. Careful research will tell you that God did not create everything out of nothing. He used a palette from which to draw his materials. Maybe he created all the materials too, but he DIDN”T create creation out of nothing. I can’t say if he was bound by the laws of physics or created the laws of physics, but the laws are there and God either created them and/or simply used them. If I decide to write a book about this I can go through Genesis paragraph by paragraph, but that is not necessary right now. Anyway, I think we ought to study physics (and Science et al.) in our pursuit of understanding. I think we are far enough along in our development as human beings to stop being in denial about the facts that are inconvenient to our beliefs. The pure beauty that science allows us to see and understand only serves to glorify Creation and display its elegance. Einstein wanted to “see the mind of God” in the mathematics. Maybe we’re not ready to understand at that level, but even a little glimpse is worth it. Faith and proof are not mutually exclusive. Right now we need both together. We don’t have the tools or the sophistication to have proof alone. We are too smart already to be satisfied with faith alone. Darn that apple.

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